Weeknotes – 21/06/2024

I’ve been trying to find the motivation to blog for nearly two weeks now, after making the mistake of vaguely promising to write about Summer Game(s) Fest announcements in my last post. Since then, I’ve been engulfed in that oh-so-familiar feeling of obligation that I had grown so tired of, the very same feeling that … Read more

What I’ve been playing recently

I haven’t had a thought interesting enough to blog about for a while now, but I have had lots of smaller thoughts that I hope – when glued together – may resemble something worth reading. A sort of word… well I was going to say homunculus because I thought that meant a Frankenstein-style beast constructed from loose bits of flesh, but I’ve just Googled it and it turns out it actually means a miniature human being? So perhaps this post is, instead, a collection of word homunculi? Much to think about.