Weeknotes – 06/09/2024

Hello, and welcome to another edition of Weeknotes, a stream-of-consciousness post about life, work, media and everything in between.

Here’s what I’ve been up to:


I (finally) started my ADHD medication last month, which has had a life-changing effect on my focus, mood and general emotional regulation. I’ve been trying to write something about my experience so far, but one drawback of the meds is that they have obliterated the part of me that would sacrifice important tasks for whimsical, self-indulgent side quests like blog posts and other creative endeavours. This post only exists because I’ve forced myself to take a 15-minute break instead of emptying the dishwasher or hoovering or something.

So yeah. Ups and downs! Look out for a (potential) upcoming post that digs into it all this a little deeper.

Outside of my new daily Speed habit, we took a short trip to the south last week that felt long overdue. Other than two days back in April, I’ve had no time off at all this year, so this trip was much needed.

The trip revolved around attending two weddings, the first of which was for former RPS colleague and current friend James Archer. Despite the sweltering heat, Yolli and I shared many laughs with Alice Bell, Nate Crowley, and Matthew Castle (as well as their respective partners). We spent the majority of the day playing a live-action version of Hitman within the venue’s grounds, an activity that should become an essential component of all weddings moving forward.

This week’s header image was taken to commemorate those who have worked on the Electronic Wireless Show, RPS’s much loved (and currently on hiatus) podcast, as either a host or… whatever it was I did. Engineer? Editor? You decide.


We are deep in discovery for multiple projects at work at the moment, so I can’t really share any specifics, unfortunately. Stuff! Things! It’s all good fun.

Outside of my day-to-day tasks, I’ve been playing around with Capacities, a note-taking tool that I’ve become quickly fond of. Differing from competitors such as Notion, Capacities is object-orientated rather than file-based, which is tricky to explain but makes a lot of sense in practice. I’ve long struggled to find a note-taking app that works parallel with my way of thinking, but after three weeks I think Capacities might be the one.

I’m a bit of a note-taking and productivity nerd, so I may dive deeper into this topic at a later date. Watch this space, I guess.

What am I reading?

Stone Blind by Natalie Haynes, a retelling of the Medusa myth that pays more attention to the women at the heart of the story than the ancient Greek original ever did. It’s a heavy, sad, and difficult read that I would recommend to anyone with a passing interest in mythology. Its depiction of both the Gorgons and the Gods, in particular, is a high point.

Elsewhere, this report by IGN about an accessibility consultant whose very existence has been called into question is a fascinating read:

What am I watching?

Sticking to the Greek mythology theme, we’ve started Kaos on Netflix which is enjoyable so far. What it lacks in depth it more than makes up in great casting and visuals that – by Netflix’s standards, anyway – could be described as “passable to good”.

Elsewhere, the fourth season of the excellent Couple’s Therapy has appeared on BBC iPlayer. A brilliant watch for any self-reflective readers who enjoy an intimate glimpse into the lives of others.

What am I playing?

Oh, christ. I don’t know. Not much has grabbed me recently, to be honest. I played a bit of Dino Crisis 2 on my holiday, which is still a banger. I tried one round of Deadlock (Valve’s not-so-secretive hero shooter/MOBA), which I enjoyed a lot. Other than that… nothing!

Some nice music

As with games, I haven’t been listening to anything that has left a particular impression. Last week, I had Jakey’s debut album ROMCOM on repeat. Its opening track, DRIVE OFF A BRIDGE, is a banger I keep returning to (along with the whole album) time and time again.

This week, I’ve been meandering through an old playlist of mine of vaguely sad songs. What does this say about my mood? Hard to say. Much to think about. Etc. etc.

Thanks for reading!

Any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors or badly phrased sentences in this post are all intentional. Cheers.

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